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Team Results¹
men`s ego¹
WV Night League - YES WE"RE RACING, Kayla said we have to be out of the bar by 9!!!
USA - NH - Waterville Valley
2/3/2022 12:00 AM
Last call at bar 8:30 PM!!!

women`s ego¹print

                                     NASTAR                               Page 1 
Waterville Valley (26)  
WV Night League 2-3-22  
Pacesetters : Orange Reimer Bryan (c Time: 22.67 H/C: 11.22 Par: 20.38 
Green Reimer Bryan (c Time: 22.54 H/C: 11.22 Par: 20.26 
Bib Name Age Sex Disc. Course Run Time H/C medal best 
91 Lauren Sirignano 36 F Green 1 24.43 20.58 G best 
15 Michelle Larkin 38 F Orange 1 25.73 26.25 G 
Orange 2 25.03 22.82 G best 
83 Genny Soper 57 F Orange 1 28.72 40.92 G 
Green 1 28.20 39.19 G best 
81 Lisa Lacasse 58 F Orange 1 38.42 88.52 - best 
Green 1 39.77 96.30 - 
Official results and ranking at 2/3/2022 7:19:55 PM 
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¹ attached report